Fallout 4 Names Codsworth Can Say. The list covers a lot of very basic names like Michael and Amanda. However, Codsworth can also say tons of names.

Fallout 4's Codsworth Updated With 300 More Names To SayFallout 4's Codsworth Updated With 300 More Names To Say

Fallout 4's Codsworth Updated With 300 More Names To Say (Cecelia Gutierrez)

You can browse the list right here (if time is your enemy, you might. An intrepid player on Reddit has unearthed the complete list of names Codsworth. Todd Howard said at QuakeCon that Bethesda had Stephen Russell record "like, a thousand" popular names - presumably as a thank you. Every single weird, funny, and cool name Codsworth can say. This means that if you choose any of the names present in the list, Codsworth will be able to say them in-game. You choose a name for your character when talking to the Vault-Tec Rep and filling out your Vault-Tec Registration Form at the start of the game. Our coverage of the game continues from simple tips, to full-on guides. A Reddit user claims to have pulled the complete list of names from the game's files. One of the best features was just how many names Codsworth voice actor Stephen Russell says in the game.

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Note: If you find a name that works, please add it to the list below in alphabetical order. You can find out more and control how cookies are used by clicking Cookie Settings.Our coverage of the game continues from simple tips, to full-on guides.Todd Howard said at QuakeCon that Bethesda had Stephen Russell record "like, a thousand" popular names - presumably as a thank you.Codsworth is a Mister Handy unit that resides in Sanctuary Hills, and acts as a butler towards the Sole Survivor's family.Below is a list of names that might be recognized by Codsworth that he might be able to say in-game.You can browse the list right here (if time is your enemy, you might.Lots and lots, as it turns out, and if he knows your name he'll say it out loud, which feels much more personal than if you just read it on your screen.An intrepid player on Reddit has unearthed the complete list of names Codsworth.The list covers a lot of very basic names like Michael and Amanda.